Week 1 Sergeant York
The War in the Pacific through Film online classroom
Week 1
Intro to the course
Pre-War America (1931-1941) “Hollywood declares war.” Film for the week: Sergeant York 132m 1941
Lecture topics: Intro to film history, the themes of the American war effort film, Presentism, social Darwinism and the need for materials, and American isolationism. America Goes to War, Warner Brothers declares war. Why primary source films matter. OWI and Jack L. Warner.
Additional films for extra credit:
The Sea Hawk, They Died with Their Boots On, To the Shores of Tripoli The mortal Strom Confessions of a Nazis Spy, The Great Dictator, A Yank in the RAF, They Met in Bombay.
Read: Thomas Doherty's Projections of War Chapter 3 Production Codes
Additional Sources: on Japan read: Ian Toll's Pacific Crucible chapter 3
Additional reading on Sergeant York read: Moral Justification Through Metaphoric Idealism
Themes and questions: Are we at war, Patriotism, American exceptionalism, Heroism, Moral dilemma, the American Dream, idealism, Faith Values. And what war is this film really talking about?
Week 1
Intro to the course
Pre-War America (1931-1941) “Hollywood declares war.” Film for the week: Sergeant York 132m 1941
Lecture topics: Intro to film history, the themes of the American war effort film, Presentism, social Darwinism and the need for materials, and American isolationism. America Goes to War, Warner Brothers declares war. Why primary source films matter. OWI and Jack L. Warner.
Additional films for extra credit:
The Sea Hawk, They Died with Their Boots On, To the Shores of Tripoli The mortal Strom Confessions of a Nazis Spy, The Great Dictator, A Yank in the RAF, They Met in Bombay.
Read: Thomas Doherty's Projections of War Chapter 3 Production Codes
Additional Sources: on Japan read: Ian Toll's Pacific Crucible chapter 3
Additional reading on Sergeant York read: Moral Justification Through Metaphoric Idealism
Themes and questions: Are we at war, Patriotism, American exceptionalism, Heroism, Moral dilemma, the American Dream, idealism, Faith Values. And what war is this film really talking about?
Film handout

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Power Point for Week 1

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Additional reading
Week 2 Wake Island
Week 2 September, 6
Japanese Aggression, December 7th (1940-1941) “The Noble Sacrifice” film of the week: Wake Island 1942 89 m
Lecture topics: The Reasons for War, Forced to War, Stabbed in the back. The evil enemy, The fall of Singapore, Why films are different, Social Darwinism continued, Wake Island, The Battle for the Philippines, Douglas MacArthur, The Bataan Death March, the reality of fear.
Additional films for extra credit
They Were Expendable, Tora, Tora, Tora, From Here to Eternity, Pearl Harbor,
Bataan, Wake Island, Salute to the Marines, Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo, The Purple Heart. So Proudly we Hail, In Harms Way, Back to Bataan, MacArthur.
Read: Robert Fyne, The Hollywood Propaganda Of World War II Ch3 Remember Pearl Harbor
additional sources Thomas Doherty Projections of War Ch6
The Old Breed Chapter 1
Ian Toll's Pacific Crucible chapter 3
Themes and questions: Noble sacrifice, faith, roughnecks or leathernecks? Who is watching these films? the reality of fear.
Film handout

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link to the 1942 film Wake Island
PowerPoint and reading for the week

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Week 3 Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo
Week 3 September, 13
The Navy Holds (1942) “The New Era in Naval Warfare” Film for the week: Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo 1944 132m
Lecture topics: The Battle of Coral Sea, The Holding effort, The Doolittle Raid, The Battle of Midway. Carrier warfare. The British Navy.
Additional films for extra credit
A Wing and A Prayer, Midway, They Were Expendable, The Purple Heart, The Fighting Sullivan’s, Destination Tokyo, In Harm’s Way, Run Silent, Run deep, Up Periscope, Torpedo Run.
Read: The Hollywood Propaganda Of World War II
Themes and questions: The faithful lover, Our allies, China, Third phase of film, The American Dream, The change in warfare.

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Lecture for week 3

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Week 4 Salute to the Marines &
The Battle of Midway
Week 4 September, 20
The Message of Hope. (1941-1942) “An American Avenger.” “The Old Breed”
Salute to the Marines 1943 101m & John Ford’s Battle of Midway
Lecture topics: The Old Breed, the Avenger, Strong Men Armed, loved ones in harm’s way, a need for hope, why these films are different, stereo types and the role of hate in the war effort.
Additional films for extra credit
Bataan, Wake Island, They Were Expendable, Somewhere I’ll Find You, China. Desperate Journey, Flying Tigers, The fighting Seabees.
Read: Robert Fyne, Chapter 7
Engene Sledge The Old Breed Chapter 2-3
Ladd, Dean Faithful Warriors
Themes and questions: The New Marine Corps, what is meant by “yes this really happened?” The Hero in the dust, the need for comedy, Hope, An American Avenger. What do the roles suggest in the film?

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Week 5 Gung Ho
Week 5 September, 27
The Battle of Guadalcanal (1942-1943) “First to Fight, The Great Gamble.”
Gung Ho 1943 93m
Lecture topics: The eyes of the World Are on Guadalcanal, The Stage is set, All alone, the environmental problems, concepts of war, adapting. Battle study of Edson’s Ridge, and Bloody Ridge. John Basilone, Chesty Puller, Mike Edson, Bull Halsey.
Additional films for extra credit
Pride of the Marines, First to Fight. The Thin Red Line. Objective Burma, Air Force, China, Sahara. Bataan, Back to Bataan.
Read: Strong Men Armed Chapter 1 pages 1-80
Themes and questions: What Makes a Warrior? The mentality of a grunt, The role of Hate, faith, love, was the center of gravity lost at Guadalcanal.

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Week 6 Casablanca
Week 6 October, 4
The War promotional effort (1941-1946) “Values worth making sacrifices for”
Casablanca 1943 108m
Lecture topics: The quintessential war promotional effort film, The Hollywood thesis, The themes.
Additional films for extra credit
Since You Went Away, The More the Merrier, Four Jills in a Jeep, This is the Army, Thank your lucky Stars, Hollywood Canteen, Two Girls and a Sailor, Week-end at the Waldorf Since You Went Away, I’ll Be seeing you, Saboteur, See Here, Private Hargrove, The Human Comedy, The Thrill of Romance.
Read: Strong Men Armed chapter 1 pages 80-130
Additional sources The Hollywood Goes to War Chapter 3 Will this picture help us win the war
Themes and questions: self-sacrifice, moral courage, idealism, cultural norms, a city on a hill. Symbolism.

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Week 7 The Human Comedy
Week 7 October, 11
1. The Home front (1941-1945) “Faith and American virtue”
The Human Comedy 1943 116m
Lecture topics: Rosie The Riveter, WOW, minorities during World War II, music of the 1940s, rationing, war bonds, material drives, industrial might, faith and America, for the troops.
Additional films for extra credit
Since You Went Away,The More the Merrier, Four Jills in a Jeep, This is the Army, Thank your lucky Stars, Hollywood Canteen, Two Girls and a Sailor, Week-end at the Waldorf Since You Went Away, I’ll Be seeing you, Saboteur, See Here, Private Hargrove, The Human Comedy, The Thrill of Romance.
Read: Thomas Doherty Chapter 7 Women without men
Robert Fyne chapter 6 Folks left behind
Hollywood goes to war chapter 4 homefront
Themes and questions: The role of faith in the War effort films.
1st Paper Due topics:
a. What are the most common themes in a war promotional film and why?
b. What was in your opinion the most important battle/event of the Pacific War and why?
c. How have films on World War II changed over the years?
d. Choose a film about World War II in the Pacific research and argue the historical accuracy and themes of the film

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The link to watch the Human Comedy on TCM

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Week 8 Since You Went Away
Week 8 October, 18 Test Med-term
The Home front continued. Film for the week: Since You Went Away 1944 252 min.
This week there will be no lecture the intent is for you to maxims your time for the med-term. The Film should serve as a review of the U.S. home front since this is the three film dealing with the home front the themes should be easily ascertain.
Lecture topics: Rosie The Riveter, WOW, minorities during World War II, music of the 1940s, rationing, war bonds, material drives, industrial might, faith and America, for the troops.
Additional films for extra credit
The More the Merrier, Four Jills in a Jeep, This is the Army, Thank your lucky Stars, Hollywood Canteen, Two Girls and a Sailor, Week-end at the Waldorf, I’ll Be seeing you, Saboteur, See Here, Private Hargrove, The Thrill of Romance.
Read: Since you went away
additional sources for American Americans in World War II read Thomas Doherty chapter 9 the Negro Soldier
Themes and questions: The role of faith in the War effort films.
Week 9 With the Marines at Tarawa & Destination Tokyo
Week 9 October, 25
The Central and Southern Campaigns (1943-44) “The US Onslaught”
Destination Tokyo 1944 120 min
The Horrors of War (1943-44) Terrible Tarawa
Documentary With the Marines At Tarawa
Lecture topics: The Battle of Tarawa, The effects of the Home front, The Coral Reefs, The battles of (43-44) Campaign. General Douglas MacArthur, The Solomon’s Campaign, the New Guinea Campaign, The Central Campaign. The U.S. Navy and the Japanese need for a decisive battle. Mahan principles, The U.S. submarine warfare.
Read: Strong Men Armed part 2 133-270
Themes and questions: was it morally right to suppress the graphic imagines? What effect would it have had on the home front? What film cannot convey.
Additional films for extra credit: The Pacific, Battle Cry and Back to Bataan, Tarawa Beachhead, Hell to Eternity, In Love and War, MacArthur, First to Fight, Battle Cry, Flag of our fathers.
The Central and Southern Campaigns (1943-44) “The US Onslaught”
Destination Tokyo 1944 120 min
The Horrors of War (1943-44) Terrible Tarawa
Documentary With the Marines At Tarawa
Lecture topics: The Battle of Tarawa, The effects of the Home front, The Coral Reefs, The battles of (43-44) Campaign. General Douglas MacArthur, The Solomon’s Campaign, the New Guinea Campaign, The Central Campaign. The U.S. Navy and the Japanese need for a decisive battle. Mahan principles, The U.S. submarine warfare.
Read: Strong Men Armed part 2 133-270
Themes and questions: was it morally right to suppress the graphic imagines? What effect would it have had on the home front? What film cannot convey.
Additional films for extra credit: The Pacific, Battle Cry and Back to Bataan, Tarawa Beachhead, Hell to Eternity, In Love and War, MacArthur, First to Fight, Battle Cry, Flag of our fathers.

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Week 10 First to Fight
Week 10 November, 1
The Battle of Saipan (1944-1945) “The American Juggernaut”
First To Fight 1967 101m
Lecture topics: Saipan, The Marianas, Guam, “The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot,” conflict: Army vs. Marines. Combined arms.
Additional films for extra credit: Battle Cry, In Love and War, Hell To Eternity, MacArthur.
Read: Strong Men Armed p 309-388
Themes and questions: Courage, humanity, and savagery.

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Link to First to Fight

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Week 11 MacArthur
Week 11 November, 8
Return to the Philippines ( 1944-1945) “I Shall Return” MacArthur 1977 170min
Lecture Topics: the decision, the waist, the Battle of Peleliu, The Battle for Manila The Battle of Leyte Gulf.
Additional films for extra credit: Battle Cry, In Love and War, Hell To Eternity, MacArthur, Back to Bataan.
Read: continue reading With the Old Breed
Themes and questions: tactical evaluation. Military strategy.

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Week 12 To the Shores of Iwo Jima &
Sands of Iwo Jima
Week 12 November, 15
The Legacy of the Marine Corps (1942-1948) “John Wayne Marine”
Sands of Iwo Jima 1948 106m
Documentary: To the Shores of Iwo Jima
Lecture Topics: The Battle of Iwo Jima, The Battle of Okinawa, The Kamikaze, and Iconic imagery, larger than life.
Read: With the Old Breed Strong Men Armed p 425-475
Themes and questions: John M. Stryker, A Marine Rifle Squad, the New Marine Corps, the Old Breed, sacrifice.

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Week 13 Objective Burma
Week 13 November, 22 Thanksgiving break
The Battle of Okinawa (1945) “The final push”
Lecture Topics: The Battle of Okinawa, The War in China, the forgotten War, Russia comes in.
Additional films for extra credit: The Pacific, Objective Burma, Merles Marauders. Flag of our fathers.
Read: With the Old Breed
Themes and questions: moral courage, no superheroes.
The war in Burma and China (1941-46) “The forgotten war”
Objective Burma 1945 132m
Lecture Topics: the A- Bomb, the new face of war, the horror of war, Russian invasion of Manchuria, the Burma Road, the Flying Tigers, the new threat of communism, Merrill’s Marauders.
Read: Ladd, Dean Faithful Warriors
Additional films for extra credit: The Pacific, Merles Marauders. Bridge over the River Kwai, Heaven Knows Mr. Allison, Above and beyond, The Pacific, In Harm’s Way.
Themes and questions:
War without mercy, realism.

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Week 14 Pride of the Marines
Week 14 November, 29
The price of freedom, and preparing the Home front (1941-1950)
“Coming Home” The Pride of the Marines 1945 116m
Lecture Topics: post-war legacy, PTSD, the bomb, the occupation the role of women in war films.
Additional films for extra credit: , The Pacific, Merles Marauders. Bridge over the River Kwai, Heaven Knows Mr. Allison, Above and beyond, The Pacific, In Harm’s Way.
Read: With the Old Breed
Themes and questions: an uncertain future, faithful lovers, the need for “nothing to change,” disconnect, lost, fear, harsh reality, Idealism and the G.I. Bill

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Link to Pride of the Marines
Week 15 The Best Years of Our Lives
Week 15 December, 6 Last Day of Class
The price of freedom, and preparing the Home front (1941-1950)
“Coming Home” The Best Years of Our lives 1946 172 m
Lecture Topics: post-war legacy, PTSD, the bomb, the occupation the role of women in war films.
Additional films for extra credit: The Pacific, Merles Marauders. Bridge over the River Kwai, Heaven Knows Mr. Allison, Above and beyond, The Pacific, In Harm’s Way.
Read: With the Old Breed the final two chapters in the book
Robert Fyne summary
Themes and questions: an uncertain future, faithful lovers, the need for “nothing to change,” disconnect, lost, fear, harsh reality, Idealism and the G.I. Bill
Final Paper Due
a. What was in your opinion the most important battle/event of the Pacific War and why?
b. What are, in your opinion, the differences in culture from the primary sources to the culture of today?
c. Choose a film about World War II in the Pacific, research and argue the historical accuracy and themes of the film?
d. What is propaganda? Compare and contrast films of the World War II era to films of today for agendas.
e. What creates a warrior elite?

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